Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tacking on another job?

With the state of the economy, I am now contemplating adding another part-time job into the mix. Yes. I have one job that only requires me to write one article per day. That takes me about an hour each morning. Then I have a second job that flexes between 25 to 40 hours per week.

As I mentioned to y'all before...because these are part-time jobs that I'm able to work in the comfort of my home...I get part-time pay. Peanuts. Piddly returns. But returns nonetheless. You know?

This weekend I started looking at part-time jobs in the area. I couldn't find any virtual jobs that paid more than what I'm currently getting, so I did take a glance at jobs where I'd have to work in an office. But part-time. A couple of them look interesting. What makes them even more appealing? Is that the pay is a bit more than what I'm getting now. I may just shoot my resume over to see if they'd be interested in my qualifications. I also want to find out more about the jobs. Like where exactly they're located and what kind of hours they're looking to have someone in-house.


The really enjoy having virtual jobs. This kind of job allows me to have flexibility. And with grade school kids? Gives me the ability to have them home when they're sick or when they have vacation -- like this last week for Fall Break!

But we'll see. We'll see. I haven't mentioned any of this to the Hubs. But I think we need to get an additional 'buffer'. How about you? You thinking about adding to your responsibiliites?

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