My daughter's class had a test on their class reading book today.
For me? This meant that I needed to go out and purchase the next book on the reading list, which they'll start tomorrow. Nothing like being last minute. Again. When I dropped off the Princess, I let her know that I'd get her next book while she was at school so she could start reading for her next assignment.
After working about 6 hours today, I logged off my computer and headed out the door to Barnes&Noble. I headed up the escalator to the kids' section. And I wandered aimlessly. I could not find the darn book. I ended up calling the Hubs to get the author's name. And when I went in alphabetical order and found the area where that author's books were? I saw other books that the author had written. But they didn't have even one copy of the book I needed.
Heartbroken, I left Barnes&Noble empty handed. Nothing. Nada. I had picked up another of the Princess' books that was on her reading list. But I put it back on the shelf when I couldn't find THE book that I came there for. I mean, it's a big bookstore. And they didn't have the book!
Strike one.
I drove down the street to the Target. Another big store. I walked to the back of the store to the video/DVD/book section and wandered up and down the aisles. Can you believe it? They didn't have even one book by this author on their shelves.
Strike two.
So I contemplated what to do as I sat in my car. I decided half-heartedly to drop by the used book store that was across the street from the Target. It's a local used bookstore chain that is very successful here in town.
Wouldn't you know it? I found the book that I needed to buy. I also found 4 other books on my daughter's book list on the shelves. What was even more fantastic than finding the books? Is that I was able to purchase FIVE books for LESS than $11.50. Normally each of the books runs between $5 - $8 a piece. But at the used bookstore? I was able to pick them up for between $1.50 - $2.50 a piece.
So instead of striking out totally? I got a home run. Thanks to the used bookstore.
So instead of running to your local big box store? Maybe try to go to a large used bookstore the next time you're looking for a good read. Help the local economy. Help the smaller stores stay in business.
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