I haven't landed a job. STILL! I'm stressed out.
My first car payment will be November 1st. I'd like to have a job by then to pay for the car. I don't want to have to dip into my savings to pay for it.
I have to find the 'right' job. One that will pay at least the minimum amount I'll need to pay for the bills (car, daycare, bills) every month.
The interview from last Wednesday? Nothing yet. I called yesterday and the gal told me that they had just finished up with the first interviews. This means she scheduled people for an entire week! Lots of candidatates. Dang-it-all! She let me know that she'd be calling on Monday to inform all the candidates either way. I do hope I get a 2nd interview. But I'm not setting my hopes up high to be in the final three.
I do have an interview this afternoon. It's for a full-time job. Sounds like it'll be a load of work, but the cool thing would be that I would work from home. The only reason I'm considering this full-time position is because I'd be able to work at home.
The job was listed yesterday morning. I sent my resume in around lunchtime. The gentleman called me by 2:30pm. I spoke with him around 4pm. We'll be meeting today at 3:30pm.
When the Hubs got home, I told him about the job. That it was full time. That I'd be able to work at the house. What the basics of the job entailed. He thought it was a good move. He felt that I had the skills to do the job. That a full-time job working from home would be something I could do. It would mean that I would not need to get dressed up for the day (no dry cleaning or extra outfits to wash). I'd be close to the Princess school and the Bear's daycare. No commute to an office. Meaning less wear on our new car and less fuel to buy. Working from home would mean I could put in more hours to the job too.
Even if it is working from home, I know that I'll still need to put the Bear into daycare. I'll need to concentrate on the work. He's used to me playing outside with him. Running around the playroom with him. Eating lunch with him. It wouldn't be fair to him for us to be home and me having to focus on something other than him.
If this recruiter guy seems to feel I have the skill set for this job, I am going to broach the topic of having 'core' working hours from 8:30am to 2:30pm. Then working the additional hours before the kidlings wake up or after the kidlings are in bed. This would provide me with the flexibility to drop the kidlings off and picking them up. Having family time once the Hubs gets home.
Anyway, I'll try to put my best foot forward. With a smile on my face. With a 'can do' attitude. Like I do with every interview.
I did send my resume out to about 4 other places this week. But I haven't heard from anyone else. Hopefully either today's interview or last week's interview will pan into a paying job.
Cross your fingers for me??? THANKS!
Update as of 4pm
The gal that I interviewed with last Wednesday called.
"We have narrowed the candidates down to two. The two we decided on both have experience running an office like ours."
Okay. So none of the criteria stated that you wanted someone who had that type of experience. And just because someone ran an office like yours doesn't mean that's the way you want your office to be run. Does it?
"But I wanted to let you know we are going to keep your resume on file in the event that these two don't work out."
So first you tell me that I'm not good enough to make the final round. Now the next thing you're saying is that you'll keep my info in the event your FIRST choices don't pan out? THANKS but NO THANKS!
Now would you take a job knowing you're their second choice?
Update as of 6:30pm
I now am part of the working world again. I GOT THE JOB!
After about 10 minutes of chatting with the gentleman (who I'll be referring to as BossMan from now on) this afternoon, he eluded to the fact that he was going to offer me the position. It felt SO good to get some positive feedback from the get go. I wasn't dangling on pins and needles the rest of time I spoke with him.
I'm going to meet up with BossMan on Sunday to get a few pieces of equipment that I'll need and to sign an employee agreement and some forms. I didn't want to have to meet up with BossMan on Monday (when I'm sure he'll be busy) with the Bear in tow. I wanted to do it Sunday so I could go alone. Let the Hubs watch the kidlings while Mommy takes care of business.
I think both he and I were comfortable once we starting talking to each other. He gave me an overview of the job. He handed me some paperwork to look at. He told me where I'd be gathering information. Then he paused. I took that opportunity to reiterate back to him what I would need to do on a more technical level. Once I finished my blurb back to him?
"She knows what I'm talking about!"
I could tell that's what he was thinking. He looked at me in the eyes with a visible sense of relief. I think from that moment on we knew this thing would work out.
"You realize that this isn't a glamorous job. It's really the 'grunt' work...for lack of a better description."
"Since I haven't worked for 5 years, I want to get back into the game. I've done this work in the past. And I know I can do it. I'm fine that it's not a high-visibility job. Plus, you all are growing this business. I'd rather get into it now and learn the business while it's growing."
"If you get to that point where you get tired of doing this job? I know we can find a place for you."
We ended up chatting for about 45 minutes.
"I'd like to offer you the job. You don't have to answer this minute. I'll be available all weekend."
He looked skeptical. I think he didn't know if I'd take a job at the pay level they have it at (compared to what I'd been paid in the past).
"Let me just tell that I'm 95% sure that I'll take the job. I'm sure my husband will agree this is a great opportunity for me. "
He first looked surprised, then relieved once more.
So that's it folks. THANKS for all the crossed fingers and toes.
And you know what happened while I was typing this update? Another recruiter called up to talk to me. And just before I got on here I checked email and someone sent me an email with a time to meet with them next week. DANG! When it rains? It pours!
And the Hubs? He is mighty happy that I'll be able to work from home and get paid.
I'll be able to pay for my monthly car payments and the Bear's daycare without a problem. I'll also be able to pay off larger chunks off my credit card bill than I'd originally slated. It also means that I'll be able to put money into my savings account. And when the Princess has days off school I won't have to make special arrangements for her. I'll still drive the Bear to daycare and have the Princess here playing at the house. She can play independently...no big.
The VERY BEST thing about all this? It'll give the Hubs a break from being the only one earning money. It'll give him some breathing room. Give him some play money for himself. He deserves it!